Forum Discussion

kaiiii's avatar
Regular Contributor
7 years ago

witem method have no value to perform


lv =  Mobile.Device("Q3000").Process("com.cor.currencydirect").Layout("NO_ID", 2).ListView("listSelectCurrency")



BaseCurrency  = Project.variables.curr("Sell_Currency")
/* means INR,USD etc

For i = 0 to lv.wItemCount-1 step 1
IF(lv.wItem(i) = BaseCurrency) Then

End IF


in the above code,  in for loop values are
lv.wItemCount-1 = 18


but in if condition Lv.wItem(i) have no value

How can i take value from the drop down list in it and Used Click method on the same.
Here i am attaching Object Spy screen for Object lv

2 Replies

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    If wItem is your drop down list, then click on that Params button next to it.  That should show you how to index the separate items in the drop down.

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    As a first step, I would recommend to follow Marsha_R's piece of advice and try to get list value via the wItem property using Object Browser. If .wItem(0) returns something, it is possible that in order to get a text value of the item, you will need to use something like .wItem(0).OleValue. Check with the Object Browser.

    If the above does not work, than analyze the control using Object Browser. It is possible that it consists of more than one controls that interact one with another and look like the single control.

    Finally, talk to developers and ask them about this control and what are their recommendations on how to get its values.