Forum Discussion

sslatha05's avatar
6 years ago

Why does TestComplete does not show logs for longer execution

I have been noticing that when my test executes for 4 or 5  or more hours, Testcomplete shows empty logs.

Same issue whether the execution is on jenkins or local machine.

Any idea why is it happening like this?

Is there a limitation for testcomplete not to generate logs if it takes longer duration for execution?


Can someone help me on this!

Thanks in Advance.



2 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    We have tests that run for 14 hours and get the full expected log... so, you're not hitting a time limit.  Perhaps a drive limit?




    1) Are you using visualizer to write screenshots to the log for every event?

    2) Are you logging every event?

    3) Do you have TestComplete set to auto-save the log every few minutes?


    All these things may help to flush the log to disk properly.