Forum Discussion

Azeddin_Margani's avatar
8 years ago

When clicking YES button..



I got message dialog displayed when the first part of the script is completed but i need to press YES button to continue to the next part of the script. When i press i press NO it should terminate the script.


The issue i'm having is when i press YES button it terminates the script and it doesn't execute the assigned function - instead it says you pressed the NO button.


Below is my intended code:


buttons = MKSet(mbYes, mbNo);

k = MessageDlg(Customers are Created !\n"+"Continue with Adding Products?", mtConfirmation, buttons, 0);

  if (k==true) {


          Log.message("You pressed Yes");



                 Log.message("You pressed No");



Any suggestions on how this code should work?.







  • I don't use the built in Dialog's myself.


    But, looking at the docs for it:


    ... it says it returns a constant relating to the button that was pressed?


    Your code is just checking for true or false, aka - a Boolean. Doesn't seem right to me? Try changing the post dialog check to check for the constant(s) instead .....


    ie -  if (k==mrYes)


    (Oh yeah - and in your else, you have a "break" statement before you print the log message. Which, I presume, means it will never get to the logging line?)

1 Reply

  • I don't use the built in Dialog's myself.


    But, looking at the docs for it:


    ... it says it returns a constant relating to the button that was pressed?


    Your code is just checking for true or false, aka - a Boolean. Doesn't seem right to me? Try changing the post dialog check to check for the constant(s) instead .....


    ie -  if (k==mrYes)


    (Oh yeah - and in your else, you have a "break" statement before you print the log message. Which, I presume, means it will never get to the logging line?)