Forum Discussion

Simon_InT's avatar
6 years ago

Session is disconnected message is returned after a website deployment via Octopus

I deploy a website to a VM via Octopus. Once the website has been deployed I have a powershell script that iniatiates a TestExecute run. As soon as the test run is initiated the error "The operation cannot be performed, because the user session is disconnected." returned in the TestExecute log file and this happens repeatedly for each project until the end of the project suite is reached. The code to initiate the run is:


start-process -wait -filepath "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 12\Bin\TestExecute.exe" -argumentlist "$projectfile /run /exit /el:`"$mhtfile`" /SilentMode" 


If I am logged onto the machine via remote desktop whilst the deployment is happening the tests run without a problem. 


How can I get the tests to run without an active remote desktop connection?

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