Forum Discussion

kkchan's avatar
15 years ago

Response time


I am using TC HTTP Load Test to stress test my ASP.NET application. I tried to test with 1, 10 and 50 virtual users to login to my application. The testing is run from script, add 50 users to group and run at the same time.

Below is the testing result

1 user - < 1 sec

10 users - EVERY user took 10-12 secs

50 users - EVERY user took 55-70 secs

The time above is the time shown in "Time (s)" column of users panel. I have check response time for each request at request panel, the sum of all request for each user is around the time above as well.

What does it meant? My page doesn't contain any logic, is just redenring HTML to show login.aspx. I didn't see any lock as well.

How TC can help in this case?

Beside, how to get End time? I want to know it to know if my IIS doesn't able to handle so many connections or TC process response only after all request sent.

Please advice. Thank you

9 Replies

  • Hi Chan,

    Most probably, it means that the number of allowed connections is limited on the server machine. For example, the general limitation for Windows XP is 10 simultaneous connections (see this web page for more information). So, if a non-server OS is installed on the server machine, it is possible that the next 10 virtual users will only start after the previous 10 connections are closed.

  • Hi,

    Windows Server 2003 Enterprise is installed at the server.

    I have read another post, which mentioned I should take the Average Process Rime / # of Users in order to get accurate process time. Which meant according to the result in my previous post, each user only took 1-2 secs.

    Is it the way to calculate?

    Thank you
  • Hi

    I have gone thru the link you sent. However, I still unable to get it. Shall you please direct answer me but not pointing me to somewhere else, so that I can understand better without interrupt you again

    1. In my 10 virtual user, Avg Process Time is 16.32. Does it meant ONE user is only taken 1.6s (16.32 / 10 users)?

    2. The test contains 4 requests

        0001 - Navigate to Login.aspx (No logic, just UI rendering) | Avg Response time in request panel - 16.x s

        0002 - Simulate login (provided username and password and 'click' login button), navigate to mainPage.aspx upon login successfully  | Avg Response time in request panel - 0.076

        0003 - 'Click' logout link to logout | Avg Response time in request panel - 0.03

        0004 - Return to Login.aspx upon logout successfully. | Avg Response time in request panel - 0.05

    If I only want to know the avg time taken for request 0002 for each user, should I use 0.076 / 10  users as well? If so, it seem really fast!!! However, if we tried to simulate this request (only one request) manually, it will take about 1.5s.

    Question, how to explain this?

    Thank you
  • Hi Chan,

    Avg Process Time is 16.32. Does it meant ONE user is only taken 1.6s (16.32 / 10 users)?

    No. Let me explain what the "average" term means using a simple example. Suppose you have two values: 15 seconds and 17 seconds. The average of the two values is (15 + 17) / 2 = 16, where 2 is the total number of items summarized. The characteristic you refer to should be called "total", not "average".

    If I only want to know the avg time taken for request 0002 for each user, should I use 0.076 / 10  users as well?

    There is no way to calculate the value directly. The only way is to create a custom parser which will retrieve the needed data from load testing logs. I can provide you with a sample demonstrating how you can parse load testing logs programmatically if you need it.

  • Hi

    Yes, it is appreciated if you can share anyway to parse load test result.

    Additionally, we don't know how to explain to customer on all the testing result. 16secs for 10 users is it fast or slow? I know it is very subjective. Then how to justify it?

    I found that, other tool like Team system provide a lot of graph for difference purpose. I know that we can customize graph in  TestComplete. However, if beginner like me, I have no idea how to plot them for each performance purpose. It would be good if by default that is full of report ready for me to view it.

    Thank you
  • Hi Chan,

    The data you need to view depends on your purposes only, so you need to choose the needed columns yourself. The description of each available column is provided in the "Load Testing Analysis Page" ( ) and "Load Testing Log Page" ( ) help topics. The recommended approach (which includes creating some graphs, by the way) was provided in the newsgroup thread that I have already mentioned before:

    Here is a quote from that thread:

    As far as I understand, the "extreme load test" you performed is a

    stress test and the goal of the test is to check whether the tested

    application will fail if many users use it simultaneously. The other

    test you need to perform is a load test, and this one tests your

    appliaction's performance depending on the number of virtual users (see

    the "About Performance, Load, Stress and Scalability Testing of Web

    Servers" help topic for more information on different testing types). If

    you need to perform a load test, I recommend that you use the following


    1. Create a load test.

    2. Set an initial number of virtual users.

    3. Launch your test.

    4. In the test log, use the Summary bar of the Connections panel to

    evaluate sum value for the "Request Execution Summary" column. To do

    this, right-click somewhere within the panel and select the "Show

    Summary" context menu option, then right-click the bar under the

    corresponding column and select the "Sum" context menu item.

    5. Repeat step 4 for the "Request Count" column.

    6. Divide the first value by the second value. This will give you the

    average time needed for your web application to process a request. The

    value depends on your server's load and may vary for different virtual

    users, however if all users are started simultaneously, the difference

    should not be significant.

    7. Increase the number of virtual users.

    8. Repeat steps 3 - 6 for the new number of virtual users. The results

    you get during your tests will allow you to plot a chart indicating how

    your web server's performance depends on the number of users who work

    with the web application.

    it is appreciated if you can share anyway to parse load test result

    You can export the load testing log in the XML format, parse the generated XML files and store the results in an Excel workbook. Here is a sample script that parses XML files:

    function Test()


      var LogFolder = "C:\\Log"; 



    function Export(XMLLogFolder)


      xcl = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application");

      var xmlDoc = Sys.OleObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument"); 

      Workbook = xcl.Workbooks.Add();      

      Worksheet = Workbook.Sheets.Add();

      xmlDoc.load(XMLLogFolder + "\\DefaultLog.xml")  

      ExportDefaultLog(Worksheet, xmlDoc); 

      Worksheet = Workbook.Sheets.Add();

      xmlDoc.load(XMLLogFolder + "\\Users.xml") 

      ExportUsers(Worksheet, xmlDoc);       



    function ExportDefaultLog(Worksheet, XMLDoc)


      Worksheet.Name = "Default Log";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 1) = "Type";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 2) = "Message";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 3) = "Time";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 4) = "Priority";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 5) = "Link";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 6) = "Type Description";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 7) = "Remarks"; 

      DefaultLogItems = XMLDoc.selectNodes("/DefaultLog/DefaultLogItem");

      for (var i = 0; i < DefaultLogItems.length; i++)


        n = i + 2;   

        item = DefaultLogItems.item(i);   

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 1) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Type").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 2) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Message").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 3) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Time").text;   

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 4) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Priority").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 5) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Link").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 6) = item.selectSingleNode(".//TypeDescription").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 7) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Remarks").text;



    function ExportUsers(Worksheet, XMLDoc)

      Worksheet.Name = "Users";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 1) = "Virtual User";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 2) = "Task";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 3) = "Workstation";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 4) = "Time (s)";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 5) = "Connection Count";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 6) = "State";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 7) = "#";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 8) = "State Description";

      Worksheet.Cells(1, 9) = "Connections"; 

      Users = XMLDoc.selectNodes("/Users/UsersItem");

      for (var i = 0; i < Users.length; i++)


        n = i + 2;   

        item = Users.item(i);   

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 1) = item.selectSingleNode(".//VirtualUser").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 2) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Task").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 3) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Workstation").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 4) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Times").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 5) = item.selectSingleNode(".//ConnectionCount").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 6) = item.selectSingleNode(".//State").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 7) = item.selectSingleNode(".//N").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 8) = item.selectSingleNode(".//StateDescription").text;

        Worksheet.Cells(n, 9) = item.selectSingleNode(".//Connections").text;



    16secs for 10 users is it fast or slow?

    It depends on the tested application only. I believe the requirements should be specified by the application developers - they need to know what exactly they want to test, the expected results, the desired behavior of the tested application and the purpose of the load test.

  • Hi

    Thank you.

    I have read the post.

    Question, the example shown how to get avg time for each request. If I want to know avg time for each user, does it meant

    sum of Avg Process Time / Sum of Users?

    >>It depends on the tested application only. I believe the requirements should be specified by the application developers - they need to know what exactly they want to test, the expected results, the desired behavior of the tested application and the purpose of the load test.

    Developer expectation is the whole login task (4 request as shown in prior post) is less than 3 seconds. Does it meet? How to determine it?

    Thank you