Forum Discussion

gentlesea's avatar
Frequent Contributor
13 years ago

Possibility to split the NameMapping into different files per project

We are now at a point where we are working with 3 testers on the same NameMapping.tcNM file. This file is getting quite big (currently about 4 MB) and merging does not work without manual intervention afterwards.

Our wish would be the possibility to have several NameMapping.tcNM files per project.

For example, currently, we have the name mapping for components of Adobe Reader in the same file as for our application. We would like to have one AdobeReaderNameMapping.tcNM file and one OurApplicationNameMapping.tcNM file.

This way we could

  • rework the Adobe Reader file once there is a new version of Adobe Reader

  • minimize the size of OurApplicationNameMapping.tcNM

As a further step we even would like to differentiate between parts of our application, e.g.

  • OurApplicationLoadingNameMapping.tcNM

  • OurApplicationSavingNameMapping.tcNM

If you support this wish as a user please reply to this thread and let the support see, that this is a worthy feature.

Happy developing.

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