Forum Discussion

Vicky_17's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

How to read a range of excel cells as List or List of List Python using Excel OLE Objects?

I am migrating the existing vba code to py. so we are using the ole object to read excel like below.


can someone help to read range of cells, the documentation points to read only a single value instead of range.


Even i tried to download additional samples and that also don't have any range function. i need a good documentaion for excel using ole

Excel = Sys.OleObject["Excel.Application"]

RowCount = Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
ColumnCount = Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count

for i in range(1, RowCount + 1):
    s = "";
    for j in range(1, ColumnCount + 1):

         ## Is there anyway to read range or all content of the sheet to list of list?
        s = s + VarToString(Excel.Cells.Item[i, j]) + '\r\n' 
    Log.Message("Row: " + VarToString(i), s);


6 Replies

  • Hi Vicky,


    I’m not well versed in Python, but you should be able to declare the range like this:


         Range = Excel.ActiveSheet.Range("A2:C3") 


    So, the sample code would be something like this...changes are in bold.


    Excel = Sys.OleObject["Excel.Application"]

    Range = Excel.ActiveSheet.Range("A2:C3"); 

          ##whatever range you need…I used A2 to C3

    for i in range(1, Range.Rows.Count + 1):
        s = "";
        for j in range(1, Range.Columns.Count + 1):
            s = s + VarToString(Excel.Cells.Item[i, j]) + '\r\n' 
        Log.Message("Row: " + VarToString(i), s);


    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Thanks everyone for the help!


      Vicky_17 have you tried the suggested approach? Did it work? Please let us know!

    • Vicky_17's avatar
      New Contributor

      i want to read a range of cell not Single cell

      • ebarbera's avatar

         Hello Vicky_17 - 


        I apologize I read that post incorrectly - is the script you have there not working? Or is it the vba script and you are just having trouble with the conversion process? Also - where are you looking to store the data after you read it from the excel sheet. 


