Forum Discussion

slecault's avatar
13 years ago

How to loop for each line of a multi-line string

I need to split a text file into many small ones.  My source text files are in the range of 1500 to 8000 lines.

The source file contains a list of controls with all their properties (this file is not generated within my code)











From the above, I need to create a file for Control1 containing all the lines until Control333 is reached, then create another file...

What I have got so far is to read the file line by line with ReadLn, analyse the content, cumulate the lines and write the cumulated lines.

I saw that I could ReadAll lines at once. 

My question, if all my text source lines are in a single variable,  how can I loop trough this variable line by line?

3 Replies

  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Stephane,

    Basically, you need to split the string by the new line character and then iterate through individual items in the resulting array. For example:

    var arr = str.split("\r\n");

    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)


      // Do something with arr


    You can also loop through the text using TestComplete's aqString.GetListItem object if you set aqString.ListSeparator to the new line character ("\r\n" in JScript, vbNewLine constant in VBScript or #13#10 in DelphiScript). Have a look at examples in the linked topics.

    By the way, your file looks similar to an INI file, only with a non-standard separator for name-value pairs.

    If you could modify your file into:

    ; NB: The Root section is mandatory










    you'd be able to access the sections and name-value pairs using TestComplete's Storages.INI API, instead of manually parsing the file.
  • I am using Delphi scripts...

    I tried the aqstring approach.  My data is actually comes from the clipboard and is then copied into a variable. 

    aqString.ListSeparator := '#13';                                            // I have tried #13#10, \r\n, #13

    ShowMessage(MyTextToWrite);                                          // Shows the entire variable human readable

    ShowMessage(aqString.GetListLength(MyTextToWrite));   // in all attemps listed above, it returns the value 1, I tried '.' (period) and it does return a large number not usable in this case.

    How should I specify the CrLf in the ListSeperator ?

    Here's a paste of what was written to file using ...(The file contains a little more than 14000 lines (331KB))

    aqFile.WriteToTextFile(sPath, MyTextToWrite, aqFile.ctUTF8);


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  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Stephane,

    It should be #13#10 without the surrounding apostrophes: