Forum Discussion

nimishbhuta's avatar
Frequent Contributor
6 years ago

How to Identify the Save Button in the IE Download Dialog box


In my application, there is option to download the file and when I click download option it shows me the Internet Exporer (IE) Download box with Open and Save button. Please see the screenshot.I need to click on Save and then Save As button to save the file. TestComplete recognize the dialog window but it does not recognize Save button,it actually understands through X &Y co-ordinate and clicks on SaveButton. I don't want to do with x & y cordinate as it is not reliable if the machine resolution changes. 


Can you let me know how can I recognize the object and click on it?





8 Replies

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Yes, it's generally a pain to automate that.  What do you need to test that includes an IE download?

    • nimishbhuta's avatar
      Frequent Contributor



      I need to click on SavButton and save the PDF file in my machine and then I can validate the PDF content with the information on the applictaion screen. 





      • Marsha_R's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Okay, try using Object Spy on the button and show us the Advanced values from that window.