Forum Discussion

kaiiii's avatar
Regular Contributor
4 years ago

How check test items all test cases pass or fail status

I have 5-6 testcases in test items to execute. Once they execute I want check status of how many test cases pass or failed. How can check for same?
I'm looking for this to add details in my mail as message so client do'nt need to open attachment.

3 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Somewhere in time this code was created with the help of Support. Hope, it will help you.

    ' From:
    ' Code that counts errors and warnings
    ' Note that if you run a project, you need to get the summary of errors and
    ' warnings using the GetSum function in a routine (in this case, it is LogPostSummaryInfo)
    ' set as the last test item of the project. If you run a project suite,
    ' you need to add a project to the end of the test item list of the project suite.
    ' This project should contain the only test item calling the routine that uses the GetSum function.
    Function LogGetErrorsSum(logFolder) ' : OleVariant;
      Const cProcName = "LogGetErrorsSum"
      Dim cProcNameMsgPrefix : cProcNameMsgPrefix = cUnitNameMsgPrefix & cProcName & "(): "
      Dim itemsInfo : itemsInfo = BuiltIn.CreateVariantArray(0, 1) ' errorsCount, warningsCount
      Dim tempFolder, xDoc
      Dim wrnC, errC
      itemsInfo(0) = -1
      itemsInfo(1) = -1
      tempFolder = logFolder
      Set xDoc = Sys.OleObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
      xDoc.load(tempFolder & "Description.tcLog")
      ' Warning count
      wrnC = VarToInteger(xDoc.selectSingleNode( _
          "Nodes/Node[@name='root']/Prp[@name='warning count']/@value").text)
      itemsInfo(1) = wrnC
      ' Error count
      errC = VarToInteger(xDoc.selectSingleNode( _
          "Nodes/Node[@name='root']/Prp[@name='error count']/@value").text)
      itemsInfo(0) = errC
      LogGetErrorsSum = itemsInfo
    End Function
    Function LogGetSummaryInfo(logFolder) ' : OleVariant;
      Const cProcName = "LogGetSummaryInfo"
      Dim cProcNameMsgPrefix : cProcNameMsgPrefix = cUnitNameMsgPrefix & cProcName & "(): "
      Dim itemsInfo : itemsInfo = BuiltIn.CreateVariantArray(0, 3) ' total, executed, passed, failed
      Dim tempFolder, xDoc, rootItem, summaryNode
      itemsInfo(0) = -1
      itemsInfo(1) = -1
      itemsInfo(2) = -1
      itemsInfo(3) = -1
      tempFolder = aqFileSystem.IncludeTrailingBackSlash(logFolder)
      Set xDoc = Sys.OleObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
      xDoc.load(tempFolder & "RootLogData.dat")
      ' find the name of the file with the root log node
      rootItem = xDoc.selectSingleNode("Nodes/Node/Node[@name='item 0']/Prp[@name='filename']/@value").text
      xDoc.load(tempFolder & rootItem)
      ' find the summary node
      Set summaryNode = xDoc.selectSingleNode("Nodes/Node/Node[@name='summary']")
      If (summaryNode.hasChildNodes) Then
        ' commented line fails for some reason with this error:
        ' Unknown method. Node[@name='total']/Prp[-->starts-with(@<--name, 'total')]/@value
    '    itemsInfo(0) = VarToInteger(summaryNode.selectSingleNode("Node[@name='total']/Prp[starts-with(@name, 'total')]/@value").text)
        itemsInfo(0) = VarToInteger(summaryNode.selectSingleNode("Node[@name='total']/Prp[@name='total (sum)']/@value").text)
        itemsInfo(1) = VarToInteger(summaryNode.selectSingleNode("Node[@name='executed']/Prp[@name='total (sum)']/@value").text)
        itemsInfo(2) = VarToInteger(summaryNode.selectSingleNode("Node[@name='passed']/Prp[@name='total (sum)']/@value").text)
        itemsInfo(3) = VarToInteger(summaryNode.selectSingleNode("Node[@name='failed']/Prp[@name='total (sum)']/@value").text)
      End If
      LogGetSummaryInfo = itemsInfo
    End Function
    ' Function counts the number of groups and testitems (enabled/disabled) in the project
    ' From:
    Function LogGetTestItemsInfo(testItems) ': integer;
      Const cProcName = "LogGetTestItemsInfo"
      Dim cProcNameMsgPrefix : cProcNameMsgPrefix = cUnitNameMsgPrefix & cProcName & "(): "
      Dim itemsInfo : itemsInfo = BuiltIn.CreateVariantArray(0, 2) ' groupsCount, itemsCount, enabledItemsCount
      Dim i, testItem
      Dim childItemsInfo : childItemsInfo = BuiltIn.CreateVariantArray(0, 2) ' groupsCount, itemsCount, enabledItemsCount
      itemsInfo(0) = 0
      itemsInfo(1) = 0
      itemsInfo(2) = 0
      For i = 0 To testItems.ItemCount - 1
        Set testItem = testItems.TestItem(i)
        If (testItem.ElementToBeRun Is Nothing) Then _
          itemsInfo(0) = itemsInfo(0) + 1
        If (testItem.ItemCount <> 0) Then
          childItemsInfo = LogGetTestItemsInfo(testItem)
          itemsInfo(0) = itemsInfo(0) + childItemsInfo(0)
          itemsInfo(1) = itemsInfo(1) + childItemsInfo(1)
          If (testItem.Enabled) Then _
            itemsInfo(2) = itemsInfo(2) + childItemsInfo(2)
          itemsInfo(1) = itemsInfo(1) + 1
          If (testItem.Enabled) Then _
            itemsInfo(2) = itemsInfo(2) + 1
        End If
      Next ' i
      LogGetTestItemsInfo = itemsInfo
    End Function
    Sub LogPostSummaryInfo
      Const cProcName = "LogPostSummaryInfo"
      Dim cProcNameMsgPrefix : cProcNameMsgPrefix = cUnitNameMsgPrefix & cProcName & "(): "
      Dim itemsInfo : itemsInfo = BuiltIn.CreateVariantArray(0, 3) ' total, executed, passed, failed
      Dim itemsErrorsInfo : itemsErrorsInfo = BuiltIn.CreateVariantArray(0, 1) ' errorsCount, warningsCount
      Dim itemsProjectInfo : itemsProjectInfo = BuiltIn.CreateVariantArray(0, 2) ' groupsCount, itemsCount, enabledItemsCount
      Dim tempFolder
      tempFolder = aqString.Format("%s~TC%s\", _
          aqFileSystem.IncludeTrailingBackSlash( _
          aqEnvironment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp")), _
          aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(aqDateTime.Now, "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"))
      Call aqFileSystem.CreateFolder(tempFolder)
      Call Log.SaveResultsAs(tempFolder, lsXML)
      itemsInfo = LogGetSummaryInfo(tempFolder)
      itemsErrorsInfo = LogGetErrorsSum(tempFolder)
      itemsProjectInfo = LogGetTestItemsInfo(Project.TestItems)
      Call aqFileSystem.DeleteFolder(tempFolder, True)
      Call Log.Message("Test Summary Information (see Additional Info log tab)", _
          "Total number of test items been ran: " & VarToStr(itemsInfo(0)) & vbCrLf & _
          "Executed project test items: " & VarToStr(itemsInfo(1)) & _
            aqString.Format(" (%.2f%%)", VarToInt(itemsInfo(1)) / VarToInt(itemsInfo(0)) * 100) & vbCrLf & _
          "Project test items executed successfully: " & VarToStr(itemsInfo(2)) & _
            aqString.Format(" (%.2f%%)", VarToInt(itemsInfo(2)) / VarToInt(itemsInfo(1)) * 100) & vbCrLf & _
          "Failed project test items: " & VarToStr(itemsInfo(3)) & _
            aqString.Format(" (%.2f%%)", VarToInt(itemsInfo(3)) / VarToInt(itemsInfo(1)) * 100) & vbCrLf & _
          "Errors count: " & VarToStr(itemsErrorsInfo(0)) & vbCrLf & _
          "Warnings count: " & VarToStr(itemsErrorsInfo(1)) & vbCrLf & _
          vbCrLf & _
          "# of Test Item Groups (total): " & VarToStr(itemsProjectInfo(0)) + vbCrLf & _
          "Project Test Items (total): " & VarToStr(itemsProjectInfo(1)) + vbCrLf & _
          "Enabled Project Test Items (total): " & VarToStr(itemsProjectInfo(2)) & _
            aqString.Format(" (%.2f%%)", VarToInt(itemsProjectInfo(2)) / VarToInt(itemsProjectInfo(1)) * 100) _
    End Sub


    • kaiiii's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Hi AlexKaras 

      Thanks for your reply.
      I tried that code shared by you but when execution go on(Check below code) , I'm getting error that summaryNode object is required and execution failed. Can you please help me how can I fix  this?

      Want to inform you, I tried to check values in summaryNode object but it's not showing what is internal.

       ' find the summary node
        Set summaryNode = xDoc.selectSingleNode("Nodes/Node/Node[@name='summary']")
        If (summaryNode.hasChildNodes) Then


      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        The code I have posted worked several years ago and it looks like test log format and internal structure was changed since that time.

        It looks like that now the information that you are looking for can be found in the Summary.dat file. (If the file is absent it means that tests were executed not as a set started using Test Items tree but as a regular test/routine.)

        Examine this file in any text editor and use techniques provided in the previous code to extract information that you need.