Forum Discussion

vitorpires's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

ADO Query Decimal Places - TC 12



I'm using ADO Query to retrieve data from a PostgreSQL database, but the numeric float fields are all coming truncated when I use the method FieldByName(). I need help to set my decimal places returned in my ADO Query.



My best regards,

Vitor Pires.

  • Note: I've tried to use diferent PostgreSQL Providers, but the same error remains

3 Replies

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Are you storing the results of your query in a variable somewhere or just using them in a compare?

    • vitorpires's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi, Marsha.


      I'm using it in a conditional validation with a DDT ExcelDriver sheet:


      // if excelDriverSheet.Value['A'] = adoQry.FieldByName('B').Value then ...


      which 'B' is a float field from my PostgreSQL Database, but returning truncated by my ADO Query.


      not using auxiliar variables..

  • vitorpires's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Note: I've tried to use diferent PostgreSQL Providers, but the same error remains