Forum Discussion

cunderw's avatar
Community Hero
8 years ago

Utility For Getting Stored Procedure Results

After battling trying to successfully get results back from a store procedure a colleague and I came up with a nifty utility for it we would like to share. 



// Object is used to provide parameters for stored procedure calls 
var storedProcs = {
    example : {
      procedureName: "A.StoredProc",
      names: ["Param1", "Param2", "Param3"], 
      dataTypes: [adDecimal, adDecimal, ftFixedChar],
      size: [0, 0, 32000],
      dataTypeString: ["adDecimal", "adDecimal", "ftFixedChar"],
      direction : [adParamInput,adParamInput,adParamInput]

* @function
* @param {string} server - the server to connect to and run the store procedure
* @param {string} procedure - a matching procedufre from the var storeProcs
* @param {string} paramsString - a comm seperated list of paramets to use in the store procued, must equal the number in the the storedProcs obj
function getStoreProcResult(server, procedure, paramsString) {
  Log.Message("Params: " + paramsString);
  var record, infoObj = {}, infoArr = [], cmd, paramsList = [], proc, recordSet, seq = 0;
  proc = storedProcs[procedure];
  try {
    cmd = ADO.CreateADODataSet();
    cmd.ConnectionString = server;
    cmd.CommandText = proc.procedureName;
    cmd.CommandType = cmdStoredProc;
    paramsList = paramsString.split(",");
    // add params based on paramstString and the storeProc 
    for(var i = 0; i < paramsList.length; i++){
      // if float, change to number and set value 
      if(proc.dataTypeString[i] == "adDecimal") {
        cmd.Parameters.Items(i).Value = aqConvert.StrToFloat(paramsList[i]);
      // otherwise set string value
      else {
        cmd.Parameters.Items(i).Value = paramsList[i];
      // set name and datatype
      cmd.Parameters.Items(i).Name = proc.names[i];
      cmd.Parameters.Items(i).DataType = proc.dataTypes[i];
      // set size if size is not 0
      if(proc.size[i] !=0 ){
       cmd.Parameters.Items(i).Size = proc.size[i];
      // set direction of param
      cmd.Parameters.Items(i).Direction = proc.direction[i];
    // Open the dataset matching this given information
    // Obtain the recordSet object from it
    recordSet = cmd.RecordSet;
    // Use this to create a JSON object
    while(!recordSet.EOF) {
      infoObj = recordToObject(recordSet);
      logObject(infoObj,"See Additional Information For Store Proc Result Row: " + seq);
    Log.Error("See additional info ", + err.message + "\n" + err.stack);
    // Close the DataSet
    return infoArr;

* Takes an ADO record and converts it to a javascript object
* @Author {CBU}
* @function
* @param {adoRecord} rec - the result of an ADO query
* @returns {object} retval - the record converted to a javascript object.
function recordToObject(rec) {
  var retVal = {};
  try {
    if(!rec.EOF) {
      for(var i = 0; i < rec.Fields.Count; i++ ) {
        retVal[rec.Fields.Item(i).Name] =  rec.Fields.Item(i).Value == null ? "" : aqString.Trim(rec.Fields.Item(i).Value);
    else {
      Log.Error("There is nothing in the record set"); 
  catch(err) {
    Log.Error("There was an error building object. See additional information",err.message + "\n" + err.stack);
  finally {
    return retVal;

 * Takes an object and logs all of its props and vals in an table
 * @function
 * @author [CBU]
 * @param {obj} obj -the object you want to log info for
function logObject(obj,msg) {
  var attr = Log.CreateNewAttributes(),
      str = '<table style="width:75%;"><tr><th>Property</th><th>Value</th></tr>';
  attr.ExtendedMessageAsPlainText = false;
  try {
    for(var key in obj) {
      str += '<tr><td>' + key + "</td><td>" + obj[key] + "</td><tr>";
  catch(err) {
  finally {
    str += '</table>'
    if(!msg) {
      Log.Message("See Additional Info For Object Details",str,300,attr);
    else {


2 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Wow!  Good work, guys!

    Have you considered turning this into a script extension? Doing so would make it present and available in your whole environment without having to add import or //USEUNIT all over the place nor add the unit to any additional projects.

    If you're amenable, I can give you access to the repository that I keep my extensions in and you guys could add your code there for everyone to use.

    • cunderw's avatar
      Community Hero



      Making it a script extension would be a good way to go about it.


      Our process usually just involves other devs calling functions inside KWTs and all of our projects are cloned from a template with the main units housing these already added as existing items so we haven't really had the need for using it as a script extension.


      Would definitely be up for making the conversion and adding it to your repo though!