Forum Discussion

leeasdf9's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

Solution wanted for time-tagged-data-driven-workflow

our testrequirement is to execute a data-driven-test, which should be able to execute a non-stop-test controled by time:


1st hour: execute only4 scenarios

2nd hour: execute only8 scenarios

3rd hour: execute only4 scenarios


Is there a simple way to fulfill this kind of requirement?

Thanks for any reply and support in advances,





DDT.ExcelDriver("C:\\MyFile.xls", "Sheet1");

while (! DDT.CurrentDriver.EOF())

    //Test steps...

4 Replies

  • shankar_r's avatar
    Community Hero

    Let me understand your question,


    For ex: You have 15 different test steps that needs to be performed with time condition.


    1 Hr -  1 to 4

    2 Hr - 5 to 10

    3 Hr - 11 to 15


    Is this what you expecting to do?

    • leeasdf9's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      exactly, thanks for your question.

      • shankar_r's avatar
        Community Hero

        So, After a long confusion in my mind i found a way to do this logic. I tried with minutes it is working fine.


        If you want change the logic to Minutes or Seconds then Just change the Highlighted keyword to like GetMinutes or GetSeconds


        function ExecutionStepswithTimeCondition()
              var timeConfiguration = Sys.OleObject("Scripting.Dictionary");
              var exestartTime = null,f_goandExecute = false,int_teststep_no = 0,currentHour = 1,previousHour = 0,no_ofSteps = 0;
              stopFile = "C:\\StopFile.txt"
              //Configure the number of test steps needs to be for the coressponding hour
              //timeConfiguration.Add("<nth Hour>",<Num of test steps>);             
              DDT.ExcelDriver("D:\\Nectar_Automation\\01202017_Execution_Scripts\\Nectar_Automation_Project\\TestData.xls", "Master");
              exestartTime = aqDateTime.Time();
              while (! DDT.CurrentDriver.EOF())
                    if(aqFile.Exists(stopFile))//To stop the execution when file present the specified location
                           if(aqDateTime.GetHours(aqDateTime.TimeInterval(exestartTime,aqDateTime.Time())) <= currentHour)
                                if(aqDateTime.GetHours(aqDateTime.TimeInterval(exestartTime,aqDateTime.Time())) >= previousHour)
                                      no_ofSteps = timeConfiguration.Item(currentHour);
                                      if(int_teststep_no  <= no_ofSteps)
                                            f_goandExecute = true; 
                                int_teststep_no = 0;
                                previousHour = currentHour;
                                currentHour = currentHour + 1;
                                if(timeConfiguration.Item(currentHour) > 0)
                                      f_goandExecute = true;
                                //Test steps...Start
                                Log.Message(int_teststep_no + " - " + aqDateTime.Time());
                                //Test steps End
                                int_teststep_no = int_teststep_no + 1
                                f_goandExecute = false;



        If you like to stop the execution then you just need to place a file  in the specified path.(If you are giving shared drive path then you can stop the execution from any machine)