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MulgraveTester's avatar
Frequent Contributor
13 years ago

Determine if Excel workbook is already open

How do I determine if an Excel workbook is already open? Any help would be appreciated - thanks.

I have tried the two methods below.

Test1 fails if the workbook is not open because it can't find the object.

Test2 fails if the workbook is open because workbooks are not parameterised.


sub test1 'Reference the workbook directly

    set Excel = sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")

    delay 3000

    excel.Visible = true

    if not (Excel.workbooks("myworkbook.xls") is nothing) then

        log.message("Workbook is already open")

    end if

end sub

sub test2 'Search for the workbook in the collection of open workbooks

    set Excel = sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")

    delay 3000

    excel.Visible = true

    for i = 0 to Excel.Workbooks.count -1

        if Excel.workbooks(i).name = "myworkbook.xls" then

            log.message("Workbook is already open")

        end if


end sub

8 Replies

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Michael,

    Try using the following code snippet:

    ' returns TRUE if the workbook is open

    function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName)

        Set Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")

        WorkbookOpen = false

        count =  Excel.Workbooks.Count

        ' Iterate through the workbooks collection

        ' Note that this collection is not zero-based

        For i = 1 to count

        if (Excel.Workbooks.Item(i).Name = WorkBookName) then

            WorkbookOpen = true

        end if


    end function

    sub Main

      MyWorkbookName = "myworkbook.xls"

      if (WorkbookOpen(MyWorkbookName)) then

        Log.Message("The workbook is open")


        Log.Message("The workbook is not open")

      end if

    end sub

    Does this help?

  • I need to find out whether a particular excel file is opened or not.

    I tried Michael's code,

    Test1 gives error even if the workbook is open, vb run time error - subscript out of range.

    I also tried with 
    Irina's Code, the count variable is set to zero even if there are some excel workbooks opened.

    Where am going wrong in the code? 
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Check whether u have mentioned correct workbook name with proper extension ( *.xls or ".xlsx)

        MyWorkbookName = "myworkbook.xls"
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    try using this......

    function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName)

    dim app

        Set app = sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")


        WorkbookOpen = false


        count = app.Workbooks.Count



        For i = 1 to count


        if (app.Workbooks.Item(i).Name = WorkBookName) then


            WorkbookOpen = true


        end if




    end function

    sub Main


      MyWorkbookName = "test.xlsx"


      if (WorkbookOpen(MyWorkbookName)) then


        Log.Message("The workbook is open")


        Log.Message("The workbook is not open")

      end if


    end sub


    Code returns count when the opened workbook name matches with "myworkbook.xls". Do you have a workbook with the name "myworkbook.xls" opened?

     MyWorkbookName = "myworkbook.xls"

  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    what does " --  app.Workbooks.Count -- " returns if some work is opened?