Forum Discussion

sathya_manokar's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Set Creation time method how and where to use



In my project there is some no of applications are avialable. sometimes browser and page property only will differ remaining properties are same.


URL get changing for applications but remaing things are same. Is it possible to use Setcreation time method.


If yes could you please tell me how to use?


Thanks in Advance:)

2 Replies

  • jorgesimoes1983's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Is this you are looking for?


    function getSystemDate()
    var DateTimeString;
    // date format --> 28.02.2013 09h02m40s
    DateTimeString = aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(aqDateTime.Now(),"%d_%m_%Y_%HH%MM%SS");
    DateTimeString = DateTimeString;

    return DateTimeString;

    • sathya_manokar's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Not actually this. For Ex in QTP using creation time can write a code for where property is same after Frame.


      The same code can use for where the browser and page property is change.


      Like this any code will available for Test complete