Forum Discussion

Gadzilla's avatar
14 years ago

How to leave slave PC unlocked after task execution on it?

Hi there!

I have discovered, that TC8 distributed testing works different than this was in TC7. Now TC8 works with Slave PC (network suite) under some user profile, and it leaves PC locked after network job is done. It's not convenient in our case, because on this Slave PC some scripts should be executed according to the scheduling – but if it is locked, scripts will fails.

Is there any possibility to leave PC unlocked when network job is completed?

Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

  • Hi John,

    Unfortunately, there is no way to do this in the current version of the tool. If you want to leave your message without a logged account, you can just reboot it by choosing the [Reboot computer] item in the Action after run option for the last task in your test.