Forum Discussion

gdave's avatar
Regular Contributor
6 years ago


Hi all



I used the below code expression to validate that the value in Tax Free Cash Limit field is 25% of the FundValue field.


Round(Aliases.TransactConsole.omTransactFormWizardView.PanelDataEntry.PanelForm.FormTaxFreeWithdrawal.PanelMain.ScrollBoxAroundForm.PanelTFCFacInfo.GroupBoxTFCFac.EditFundValueFac.wText * 25)/100-2


Issue here is that that Actual value displayed is 17969.17 (after rounding off) where as the expected value by TestComplete is displayed as 17967.16. It seems that TestComplete is not rounding off 17969.165 to 17969.17.

Can you please review the code expression and let me what can be amended. Thanks




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