Forum Discussion

Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

[Resolved] CSV File & Multiple Elements With the Same Name


I am using a CSV datasource containing multiple rows of data to transfer values into a request. Data is stored in the CSV file similarly to the below example, with several drivers on each row:

Driver1 Name, Driver1 Age Years, Driver 1 Age Months, Driver2 Name, Driver2 Age Years, Driver 2 Age Months, Driver3 Name, Driver3 Age Years, Driver 3 Age Months,
John Smith, 30, 5, Bill Smith, 25, 3, Will Smith, 28, 1,

The request must be in this format:

<name>John Smith</name>
<name>Bill Smith</name>
<name>Will Smith</name>

Obviously if I use a property transfer from the datasource for each driver, with the xpath pointing to the required element e.g. //drivers/driver/name, the values from Driver2 will overwrite what was transferred from driver 1. Is there any kind of workaround I could implement to distinguish between the elements with the same name?
