Forum Discussion

Daniel_Spring's avatar
16 years ago

SoapUI API Integration

I'm sorry to sound is there a good "beginner's" guide to using the API to perform basic request/responses that you would perform in the UI?

I can use SoapUI with secure to do my basic WSDL testing.  And I can use Java (Eclipse) with Selenium and TestNG to do all of my app test automation.  I would like to bridge the two together to perform some rich end-to-end testing.  The problem is that I'm pretty new to the whole test automation world and to Java, in general.  I have tried the basic example at, but I need to use secure as well, which I have not figured out with the API yet.  Basically, here's what I need to do...
- Open a URL WSDL
- Add a "PasswordText" WSS Username Token
- Build a request
- Send the request
- Capture the response data inside of Java to perform TestNG assertions

Any help is much appreciated!

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