Forum Discussion

Affar's avatar
14 years ago

Paramatrized load testing

Hi all,

Right now you can do testing by creating testing steps which will be automatically added to the load test, so when you start the testing process then the same testing steps will run as configured by the load test.

The problem here is that when you use stress testing on a server that is configured to use caching to minimize the time needed for retrieving the data from the data source. In other words, when serving the second SOAP there is a change that the application server will get the data requested from the cache instead from the data source which might give you false information about the real statistics. You can solve this by creating more test steps and each one with different parameter. But consider you are going to do a stress testing with more than 100 threads then it will be time consuming to create 100 test steps.

So is there a way to create one test step and then configure soapUI to read the parameter of that test from a local data source like text file?

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