Forum Discussion

bqualters's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Dynamic property value setting causing Failure

I am REALLY new to SoapUI and writing Groovy scripts.  I am trying to see if I can change a TestCase Property at runtime using a setPropertyValue command at the Testcase ensure it actually got switched before executing the step with a run command I do a get and write out a log statement to make sure it is set to what I wanted and it does reflect the changed value - but the execution of the Groovy script causes the Request to fail.   If I manually execute the test Request it works as expected...


tcase = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.testCases[currTest]; //create object to store test case
tstep = tcase.getTestStepByName(it.Name); //create object to store test step


def PrimaryKey = tcase.getPropertyValue("TheHexPOKey")
def PrevExpKey = tcase.getPropertyValue("ExpKey")
def RealPOKey = "0000000645" (" The current Primary Key value retrieved from Test Case property TheHexPOKey is -->" + PrimaryKey +" and the current ExpKey value is "+PrevExpKey)




PrimaryKey = tcase.getPropertyValue("TheHexPOKey")
PrevExpKey = tcase.getPropertyValue("ExpKey") (" The current Primary Key value retrieved from Test Case property TheHexPOKey is -->" + PrimaryKey +" and the current ExpKey value is "+PrevExpKey)


The code above does what is expected - finds what the values are before changing, then changes the value, checks to make sure the changes are applied

status =,context);
result = status.getStatus().toString();


CurrStepResponse = tstep.getPropertyValue("ResponseAsXml");" "+CurrStepResponse)


and EVERYTIME this shows in the log-->

<Fault xmlns="****with the name of the WADL here***">
<Message>An error has occurred.</Message>


WHY?  Can anyone assist a newbie with an answer that a NEWBIE can understand?


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