Forum Discussion

VGaur's avatar
8 years ago

Readyapi & Jenkins (slaves) issue.



This could be a potential duplicate but since I am not able to figure out the solution yet.So, I am just digging this issue out from it's grave. Smart Bear has given clear instructions here  about how to solve the issue but in my cases I have couple of slaves running on s separate box hosting jenkins server and jenkins by itself doesn't run with and particular user. 

So if I have to solve this issue should I be having readyapi license username same as the user/group account under which slaves are running??? 


Jenkins running as Local system account and slave triggered by windows task scheduler which has the same user/group account that we use to log into the box hosting jenkins. 


It's a false belief that updating the readyapi version would solve this issue.


Any help is appreciated??

2 Replies

  • The licenses tie to aspects of the machine and the User/user group. If you have multiple slaves executing tests, each slave should have a license activated on it. Let me know if you have further questions.




    • VGaur's avatar

      Thanks for the response. But correct me I am wrong. Are you implying that since each slave require one license to execute testcase -


      machine username == readyapi username == slave running as username ??




      readyapi username == slave running as username(here slave could be run by any service user in active directory)??

