Forum Discussion

PoonamRaj's avatar
Regular Visitor
2 years ago

Permission issue in Test Engine

I am trying to run Ready api tests in Test Engine. 

C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPITestEngine\bin>ReadyAPITestEngine.exe  got started from Terminal successfully on remote desktop.

When I am running test jobs on Jenkins I am getting below error:


21:55:00,269 INFO [org.eclipse.jetty.server.RequestLog] - - [01/Aug/2022:21:55:00 +0000] "POST /api/v1/testjobs HTTP/1.1" 400 75 "-" "Jersey/2.32 (HttpUrlConnection 11.0.14)" 94
21:55:00,442 INFO [com.smartbear.ready.testserver.server.ReadyApiTestServerSecurityPolicy] Permission denied: ("" "C:\Users\prajvaidya\AppData\Local\Temp\ts_project_aa50ef98-067c-49b8-a9ef-bf730d7eb486\.git\refs\remotes" "write")


I checked I have all the permission on remote desktop and to the above folder as well.