java.util.PropertyPermission" "*" "read,write error with executing tests from Test engine
I am using TestEngine to execute ReadyAPI tests. Seeing the below error when TestEngine executes groovyScript which accesses the testrunner. java.util.PropertyPermission" "*" "read,write Error. access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "*" "read,write") Same test run from local instance does not throw an error. Any help on what is the resolution for this issue?17Views0likes0Comments21 Selenium startup error: on alertsite with chromebrowser
I am trying to build a selenium jar file on ubuntu wsl in an environment with chrome browser 85 using and I tried building it using java -jar command as mentioned in the document and it is working fine in my local environment. When I try to upload the JAR file built to alertsite via this code, it gives me error code 21 I did verify the main class is present in the jar file, and all the selenium libraries are installed as well. I presume its an issue due to the browser version mismatch on alertsite. Can someone let me know what the issue here is? which is the supported version on alertsite. Im not able to install older versions of chrome on my wsl as the official releases from google are removed. what can be done here? Thanks in advance PS: selenium version 3.141.59 and java version 11 i specify in my pom.xml during build. 21 Selenium startup error: on alertsite with chromebrowser27Views1like0CommentsIssue with Mounting Network Drive in TestEngine
Hello SmartBear Community, I'm encountering an issue with running my ReadyAPI tests via TestEngine that involves mounting a network drive. While the same tests run successfully in ReadyAPI, they fail when executed through TestEngine. Even when the network drive is available in the machine, with Testengine I'm getting an error "FileNotFoundException" when trying to read files from it. But with ReadyApi my script works correctly. This is an example of script : import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import import java.util.logging.Logger // Définition du chemin du dossier contenant les fichiers JSON def chemindudossier = "Y:\\Regression\\1_FADETS\\4_COMM\\communication\\" // Création d'un nouvel objet JsonSlurper pour lire les fichiers JSON def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper() // Initialisation de trois compteurs pour compter le nombre total d'éléments JSON, le nombre d'éléments qui ont la structure attendue, et le nombre de "Tué" def totalCount = 0 // Parcourir tous les fichiers JSON dans le répertoire new File(chemindudossier).eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file -> // Lire le contenu du fichier JSON def content = file.text // Parser le contenu du fichier JSON def data = jsonSlurper.parseText(content) // Vérifier que chaque élément a la structure attendue totalCount += data.size() }"Le nombre de communication est : $totalCount") //message d'erreur si le totalCount=0 if (totalCount == 0) { log.severe("Erreur : Aucun lien entre personne physique et telephone n'a été trouvé.") } Based on the documentation of Testengine, I did understand that there is a groovy restrictions on reading/writing files. I tried this 2 solutions that they propose and didn't work : 1- Added -Dgroovy.allow.all=true in ReadyAPITestEngine.vmoptions file 2- Edited readyapi-testengine.bat to include the -Dgroovy.allow.all=true flag: "%JAVA%" %JAVA_OPTS% -Dgroovy.allow.all=true -cp "%CLASSPATH%" com.smartbear.ready.testserver.ReadyApiTestServerMain %* Could you please help me to find a solution to my problem? I'm really stack and cannot progress in my tests! Thanks!12Views0likes1CommentIs it possible to integrate the Azure TestPlan Test cases and the ReadyAPI tests ?
I have created manual test cases in Azure devops Test Plan. I have automated the manual test case functionality using ReadyAPI. Now i want to link the Azure Test Plan test cases while running the ReadyAPI tests via the Azure pieplines. Is it possible to do so ? I am using the Azure devops extension named "ReadyAPI Test for Azure Devops" and "Publish Test Results" in my pipeline.212Views1like1CommentTestEngine external JAR files - error - unable to resolve class
Background - We have test engine hosted on some linux server and we execute tests suing CURL cmd or POSTMAN. Given some external JARs When we add external JARs in /bin/ext folder of test engine server and re-start the test engine And run the tests using curl command from locally or using POSTMAN Then it throws error for groovy script test step saying unable to resolve class <className present in external JARs> on import statement itself. We have also configured .vmoptions of test engine server to read ext JARs but still it throws error. Locally, In ReadyAPI, we are placing those JARs in /bin/ext/ folder and it works perfectly fine. Any solution to this problem?212Views1like2CommentsHow to use the External JAVA libraries with Test Engine hosted on Linux
We are using the Test Engine to run our Ready API test suites and this server is a Linux machine. We are referring the java library (com.jcraft.jsch.*) within groovy script and this is used for file upload. this works fine while running the test in local with the Ready API application but while the same test with Test Engine, this suites fails as Test Engine is not able to find the the reference of java library(refere below error). Can you help us with below questions * Is there a default location which the Test Engine looks for external library reference? * Is there a way to have our own custom path for external reference and let the Test Engine refer this path? We looked into the official documentation, it has the details of path for Ready API but not for Test Engine437Views0likes3CommentsUnable to write to excel using groovy script in Test Engine
Hi, I am trying to read/write to an excel file using Groovy script. It works perfectly in my local ReadyAPI. However, when I run it on Test Engine, I get the below error: Error. access denied ("" "\Data\XXXXX_E2E_Functional_003.xls" "read") I get this error on the below line of code: Workbookwb=Workbook.getWorkbook(newFile("\\Data\\XXXXX_E2E_Functional_003.xls")); I updated theReadyAPITestEngine.vmoptionsfile in Test Engine and added the line at the end: "-Dgroovy.allow.all=true" as mentioned in the documentation link below: However, I still get the access denied error. Appreciate any help or lead into fixing this error. Thanks! B PhilipSolved233Views0likes2CommentsTest suite fails with error Failing due to failed test step\
We have recently updated to ReadyAPI 3.49 and noticed that our build pipeline keeps failing, the test pass with 100% success rate but I see there is suite level failure with errorFailingduetofailedteststep\\"java.util.PropertyPermission\"\"*\"\"read,write\") We rolled back to an older version and that fixed the issue.230Views0likes1Comment