Forum Discussion

Axis48's avatar
11 years ago

LoadUI 2.5.4 - OS X - Running count


I have installed loadUI 2.5.4 in OS X to test my application. It's a simple web application and I am running simple web page runner to load test my app with fixed rate load.

My problem is when I am giving count more than 100 like 120/sec in fixed count, most of my load requests are getting discarded. I understand there is a limit for "Running" and " Queued" counter beyond which requests are discard. How can I change this running count and queuing count.

I found some articles in Smartbear website but the components doesn't look anything like they have shown in there. It looks entirely different and some of the options they have mentioned are not seen in loadUI version I have in my mac?

Is there any drastic difference between the Windows and OS X version of loadUI?

Thank you

1 Reply

  • You can change the queue size.
    Axis48 wrote:
    Is there any drastic difference between the Windows and OS X version of LoadUI?

    No, the difference is between LoadUI 2.1 (which some screenshots in the documentation still picture) and 2.5.