Wamboo's avatar
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6 years ago
New Idea

TestComplete intellisense - why it works so badly

Good morning,

I don't know if you are aware of how people work with TestComplete, there are some examples of how to work with a proper intellisense:


1) Example 1
Do not use TestComplete and write the code in Visual Studio Code and then copy it to your editor. The solution is terribly inefficient.


2) Example 2
Write code only with simple variables and functions without object structure because if we use the structure given in the example below, we can forget about intellisense.


3) example 3
Write your own extension in which we will add the code for intellisense. But here is another trap because the latest EcmaScript solutions are not supported by the plugin code (I'm writing exactly about "Script Extension". You support JScript in which the use of simple "require" already returns error).


Writing in the tool for so much money I feel as if I was writing in notepad++ version from 2005 year.


Is supporting Script Extension for JScript is intentional?

Someone who knows a python has to write add-ons in JScript whose compatibility with today's requirements of the world It is strongly bad?


Will you do something to make your program not so bad in scripting?


[Example 1]


[Example 2]


An example of such a code is the following syntax:

//[file name] - specifies the code in the selected file


// [Unit 1]

class FormaAkcje {

  constructor() {

    this.formValue = Alias.form.input;



  nacisnijPrzycisk(przycisk) {





module.exports = FormaAkcje;


// [Unit 2]

const FormaAkcje = require("FormaAkcje");


function GenerowanieZlecenProdukcyjnychZZamowienKlienta() {


  let FormaAkcje = new FormaAkcje();


  FormaAkcje.(here i do not see intellisense)


1 Comment

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    It works just fine so long as you remember you're writing scripts for testing automation and not as application level code. Classes and objects are supported in JavaScript in TestComplete to assist in building code, but generally speaking they are not required for automation to work.  This is script code, not OOP code... think of it more of what you would find written in a web page and not so much what you would write in JavaBean.