Using KISS:
1) Scheme is as simple as: x.y - where x = major, y = minor.
2) To differential between major/minor: perhaps after specified # of updates -> major all other updates = minor. Example: After 30 updates of the same script, increment major(i.e. 2.0, 2.30->3.0>. This configuratable parameter could be made available in TC.
3) Automatic versioning is indeed tricky and can be unique, the propose of versioning is to provide a baseline within TC to help distinguish/maintain script version integrity(for testing, debugging, deployment). For any type of script "release candidate", how does one know if what's "released" matches the intended proper script(other than being a good administrator of script versions). Current state: The script author is the only one who'd know the correct script version that's available in a repositiory of scripts available for other to use.
This request is intended to help alleivate potential "oops" and to enhance efficiency and communication.
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