lphilippe_macau's avatar
9 years ago
Accepted for Discussion

Being Able to Pause a Test Running in TestExecute

The idea is quite simple, being able to pause a test that is running in TestExecute. I know that you're supposed to be debugging in Testcomplete and that it's so people don't get licenses of TestExecute for development, but being able to pause a tests would be a big plus as some of our tests are very long to run and it would be nice to see if there is a problem on the environment without disturbing tests that are running. 


I don't think this would be hard to implement from the SmartBear team and it would really help our day to day. All of our QC Devs already have a licencse for TestComplete, but we would really need this to be more productive as we will currently wait for a test to be done to do validations on environments. 




  •  Hello, Community!


    TestExecute is just a straightforward way to playback tests without any means to modify or debug them as this is the TestComplete functionality. We do not see any good reasons to move TestExecute functionality toward TestComplete and so generally this request does not seem to be something that we can implement.


    Therefore, I would like to ask everyone if there are any actual use cases for this functionality that cannot be resolved with TestComplete or using other means.


    Thanks in advance!

  • leandropoblet's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Hi Dmitry,


    This is just a very particular case used only as a sample of one way in which pausing is an advantage.

    It's rather obvious it can't be used when running overnight, but as a user I always want to be able to do exactly what I want not just what the solution designer thought I was going to need or do with the product.


    I've done what you're suggesting time ago.




  • Hello,


    I would like to answer to the comment by leandropoblet.


    I think that resolving this issue by pausing script execution is not the best solution as it won't work when you run nightly tests. If you are facing this situation, a better approach is to insert logic that will make sure that the application window is maximized to your test.


    If the fact that the application is not maximized after it is started is an issue, I still do not see a reason to pause the test execution. This seems to be a bug and the test should be halted until the bug is resolved. Or you can handle this situation in your test, register it somehow and then just maximize the application window to continue test execution.


    Dmitry Nikolaev

    TestComplete Customer Care Team Lead

  • leandropoblet's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    I'm having this issue now on our application. Instead of starting maximized (as last user's option to be more precise) it randomly resets the value to default.

    It's so random that I logged it as bug many times and it could never be reproduced by devs.


    It also happens only on Win7 which is the only one running TE.


    So the ideal solution for me would be pausing the execution, remote debugging of our app, and continue once it's been analyzed.


    I really don't care about debugging TC scripts. It's just another useful tool to find sneaky bugs.