rgundogmus's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago
Accepted for Discussion

Permission to Create Defect - Role Template

Could the property be allowed to add defect to the role template? There may be cases where the person assigned as Author should not open the defect. As an example, the Author can only fix the defect or reject defect.

  • rgundogmus,


    I don't believe we will be adding an option to prevent an author from creating a defect. Currently, Authors can create defects and if for some reason another participant disagrees with the Authors assesment, that user could delete the defect.  Our view is thatwhen in doubt, create a defect. It can always be discussed and removed.

  • rgundogmus's avatar
    New Contributor


    Author can write his / her own opinion in the comment field. Also, when the Reject Button is added next to Mark Fixed, the author will be able to reject the defect.


    As different perspective, the author found the defect that reviewer did not see. In this case, there is a chat section where the author can communicate with the reviewer.


    Author can send defect request. Not opening the defect. Maybe that's the solution.

  • MrDubya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Since the main purpose of peer review is to find defects, it seems unecessary (and counterproductive) to prevent any role, including the Author, from reporting them.  For conflict of interest reasons, I could see that possibly you would want to avoid a process that only allowed the Author to enter defects, but if other participants can enter them (as they should), why not allow the Author to enter them too?  Blocking any review role from entering defects introduces the risk of them being missed.



  • rgundogmus's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi yimy,


    That's exactly what I'm talking about.

    1. None => Don't create or modify 

    2. Create => Create defects

    3. Create and Edit 

    4. Fix or Reject





    Hi MrDubya,

    When creating defect as an reviewer, an moderator, or another role, the Author may only reject or fix the defect.

    Reviewer -> Defect Finder

    Author -> Defect Solver

    I think there should be this restrictions for the author in role template. We would like to restrict this to the Author rather than to have him create a defect individually. Suppose we said to authors that should not create an defect and created it. When you delete the defect again, it will appear in the log.


    Is such a restriction unnecessary? Could you explain if it's unnecessary?



  • MrDubya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I think I understand the rationale for most of of the suggested scenarios, but I'd be interested to understand why we would want to prevent Authors (or really any users participating in a review) from creating new defects.

  • yimy's avatar
    Community Manager



    If I understand correctly, you would like to modify the current "Can change own defects:" setting/options or create a new "Defect" setting/options?

    What would be the different optiosn for this setting?

    1. None => Don't create or modify 

    2. Create => Create defects

    3. Create and Edit 


    Are you looking for something like the example above? 





  • rgundogmus's avatar
    New Contributor

    When set Can Change Own Defects to None and Can Change others' defects to fix/edit:

    1- Edit - Author can change defect custom fields and defect comment of others.

    2- Author can open defect but could not change own defect.


    I tried to mention about that:

    1- Author can not change defect custom fields and defect comment of others.

    2- Author can not create defect.

    3- Author can track externally or export issue.

    4- Author can fix or reject defect.