cyril4j's avatar
9 years ago
New Idea

Create new participant status for send to rework

Currently, when one creates issues and then sends to rework, the participant shows as "Approved" in the Participants module, which is highly confusing to our team.

Obviously the review did not approve this review as s/he submitted issues and sent to rework. The participant status should be "Waiting" or some new status "Reviewed", but "Approved" doesn't make sense.

  • MrDubya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I agree this is confusing - it is unintuitive to click "Send to Rework" for users who approve the review even though they have logged trivial defects they trust the author to fix, and it is also not clear to users who click "Send to Rework" that they are actually approving the review.  We have a separate set of user documentation to supplement Collaborator's online help & explain our customization, and I had to include a note clarifying that clicking “Send to Rework” actually means approve, and they should actually click “Waiting” if they don’t want to approve the review until they personally verify their defects are fixed.