gcherion's avatar
11 days ago
New Idea

[RICH] - During Test Execution - Testers can't copy paste attachements - only upload and drag/drop

|CONTEXT (where is the need coming from, why, who, when?)| |When the testers are executing the test scenarios they are not able to copy paste screenshots so to attach them in the execution but the have to download the images and the upload them. This is increasing drastically the test execution time [media] | |REQUIREMENTS / DETAILS| |We need to be able to copy paste attachments in the test executions | |OUTPUT (Format of the deliverable if specific)|Planned for demo ?| |Demo|Yes| |TESTS (planned to ensure the quality of the change)| |https://richemont.atlassian.net/wiki/x/HIC9CQ| |DEPENDANCIES (Notes about linked Jiras if needed)| || |RISKS|SCORE| |User rejection as they will have to reenter the criteria each time|https://richemont.atlassian.net/wiki/x/HwKKCQ |



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