KiranR's avatar
Occasional Visitor
10 months ago
New Idea

Cloned requirements should not get updated between different release within the project

Even though the requirement ID is same on different releases within the project, the updates to requirements in newer release (i.e., 1.1) should not be reflected in older release (i.e., 1.0). This issue impacts the requirement and corresponding mapped test cases in the earlier release/s.

This also impacts other use case where if we plan to start the work on another new release while the present release is in progress within the project.

This issue is more problematic to review and trace the test cases against the mapped requirements and requirement against the mapped test cases. This also becomes problematic during audits or if someone in the team updates the requirements unintentionally.

Since version of the requirements is not present now, we should plan to have this enhancement in Zephyr.

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