Do I have your (and SmartBear's) attention yet? This feature is broken. Plain and simple.
This was mentioned in post #1:
"The objects are either gone because a window closed and TestComplete doesn't recognize that..."
The objects in that dialog are gone. The popup window has been closed and the next step of the test should be executing without issue, but it's not. The object recognition hint thing jumps up and tries to find the button that TestComplete just clicked! The text on the TestComplete indicator tells me it's trying to find the button that it just clicked, on the window it just closed.
I can list example after example of this, here's two:
- Click a Cancel button on a popup window (that invokes the wm_close method). TestComplete gets lost trying to find the window that was just closed.
- Click an OK button on an alert prompt and TestComplete will go hunt for the popup prompt that was closed after the OK button was clicked.
And I know this is broken because the object recognition hinting stuff isn't added to the logs and the timings listed are not accurate/real. The logs list the times to perform the actions, but do not include the 3-15 minutes that TestComplete goes off in the weeds. It shows that the OK button was clicked and then it immediately claims that the next testing step occured within the same second... but in reality I had to sit and wait for the hint in the indicator progress bar to go away AND THEN the next testing step is performed without error.
TestComplete was better before this feature was introduced. Please give us a way to disable it.