ishika's avatar
New Member
2 years ago
New Idea

NameMapping/ Object identification does not work for objects having some other tag types

TestComplete is not capable of detecting some objects with tags like <mat-card>. Although we have the option to spy on such objects using XPath. But name-mapping cannot be done for such objects as they do not get detected at all using name-mapping or even by tracing them through the object browser. On spying such objects, either their partent or child gets detected only.

In order to do this, we have to name-map any other random object using Xpath, then go back to its name-mapped XPath and change it manually to the XPath of the object required to be detected.

Name-Mapping is a fast way of detecting objects which significantly cuts down scripting time, hence we prefer using it.

It would be good if TestComplete is enabled to detect some other tags as well through name-mapping and Object-Spy.

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