Lee_M's avatar
Community Hero
4 years ago
New Idea

Ability to Duplicate Tests

I have a test that simulates user Logon and Logoff

The test in between performs various other page check actions


This KW test is a base for all other tests.


I would like the ability to duplicate a test save me and my team rewriting the base components every time


The duplication would replicate each part of the test - not link (unless there is a function call)


I know this can be done a long way round using File Explorer but I was looking for something more user friendly

  • Lee_M We just wrote a login test and a logout test that are separate from everything else and we call those from the other tests when we need them.

  • Lee_M's avatar
    Community Hero

    To write any test you need to first login


    I am trying to write a template that others in my team can copy from

  • I would argue that you need to login and logout to run a test but not to write it.


    If you don't want to make a separate test/function for login and logout that everyone can use, then just write a test with login and logout and whatever you want in the middle and put it where everyone can find it.  They can use Select All, Copy, and Paste to get their own copy of it into their test and start from there.

  • Lee_M's avatar
    Community Hero

    That is the way I am building my tests


    KW tests have 'modules' that users can drag and drop depending on what they want to test

    I can't put login with an event handler OnStartTest which was an idea because that EH start if you call a test from within a test


    I think the duplicate test feature would be very handy e.g. if you were to write lots of A/B tests