Forum Discussion

SanK's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Compare 2 JSON responses for duplicate property value


I have two JSON responses that will have dynamic nodes on each request, but same structure and properties. I need to identify if a given property has no duplicate values found in both the JSON responses via groovy. Appreciate you help. Thanks


Example below. ID-424 in JSON1 & 2 are matching.

"Name" : "Name1",
"Age" : "25",
"DateOfBirth" : "01012000",
"ID" : "453"

"Name" : "Name2",
"Age" : "25",
"DateOfBirth" : "01012000",
"ID" : "424"

"Name" : "Name3",
"Age" : "21",
"DateOfBirth" : "01012000",
"ID" : "424"

"Name" : "Name4",
"Age" : "25",
"DateOfBirth" : "01012000",
"ID" : "412"

  • SanK 

    - add a script assertion to both the request test steps with the below code

    - below script would check the response and makes the test fail if there are duplicate values for "ReferenceNumber" property


    Hoping this is what you need, reply back otherwise.


    def duplicateRefs = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response).ReferenceNumber.countBy{it}.findResults { it.value > 1 ? it.key : null } "${duplicateRefs.size() > 0 ? 'Duplicate reference numbers found :' + duplicateRefs : 'No duplicate reference numbers'}"
    assert [] == duplicateRefs, "Duplicate references found, ${duplicateRefs}"
  • SanK 

    Here is the Groovy Script

    - Add a groovy script after the second test request step

    - Provide correct values step1, and step2 




    //Update the Request step names below
    def step1 = 'Name of the Request step1'
    def step2 = 'Name of the Request step2'
    //Closure to get the ReferenceNumber from a json of the Given test step
    def refNumbers = { step ->  new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.testCase.testSteps[step].getPropertyValue('response')).ReferenceNumber }
    def list1 =  refNumbers(step1)
    def list2 =  refNumbers(step2) "Reference Numbers for ${step1} are => ${list1}" "Reference Numbers for ${step2} are => ${list2}"
    assert list1.every { !list2.contains(it) }, 'Does not match the expected result'




  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    It would easy to compare the person once we get the exact person from the array.

    Looks you posted the pieces from the response. Is it possible to show the full json structure instead of pieces.
    Because the solution would depend on it.
    It need not be exact response but hierarchy is needed.
    • SanK's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks nmrao I have now attached two JSON files that would provide some idea for the structure. In these two JSON files I'm looking for duplicate values for property - "ReferenceNumber". Ideally these JSON responses Im thinking will not be saved as files to be compared, but any way we can use groovy to read the responses and find the duplicate values for property "ReferenceNumber"

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2


        - add a script assertion to both the request test steps with the below code

        - below script would check the response and makes the test fail if there are duplicate values for "ReferenceNumber" property


        Hoping this is what you need, reply back otherwise.


        def duplicateRefs = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response).ReferenceNumber.countBy{it}.findResults { it.value > 1 ? it.key : null } "${duplicateRefs.size() > 0 ? 'Duplicate reference numbers found :' + duplicateRefs : 'No duplicate reference numbers'}"
        assert [] == duplicateRefs, "Duplicate references found, ${duplicateRefs}"