Forum Discussion

lingesh's avatar
Occasional Visitor
4 years ago

How to add test cases into folder types for each function/component/version

my requirement is
I want to create test cases into folder types for each function/components type.
EX: lets take i have 3 functions/components like login, add functions, delete functions. so I want to create test cases for each function/components into folder type to organize/view.
for login function, I have 10 test cases so i am grouping them and save it under login folder
for add function, I have 5 test cases same i am grouping this and save it under add function

my project (main folder for my project under this for each function as subfolders)
--> login functions folder
--> add functions folder
--> delete functions folder

so if my project manager can access using that function/components to see the test cases and to see the test results for this.
how can I do this in Zephyr for Jira? please help me to do this.

1 Reply

  • Hi lingesh 


    1. You can create different components in jira like Login function, add function, and delete function.

    2. Once components is created, you create test cases and then  you can add respective components and affected version, fix version to the testcases

    3. Create different filters for login, add and delete functions
    project = "Login " AND fixVersion = "Release 1.0" AND component = "login functions"
    project = "Login " AND fixVersion = "Release 1.0" AND component = "add functions"
    project = "Login " AND fixVersion = "Release 1.0" AND component = "delete functions"

    4. In cycle summary under Release 1.0 >> Create a cycle >> and create 3 folders for 3 different functions
    and add test cases using the above created filters in respective folders
    5. Once test cases is added in cycle summary >> testers can execute to pass/ fail/ wip / blocked etc and link bugs to the failed/blocked scenarios
    6. Now in jira dashboard >> add zephyr gadgets >> Test execution chart >> group by component
    Also add one more gadget >> Execution details >> free form zql:
    project = "Login " AND fixVersion = "Release 1.0" AND component in ("login functions", "add functions", "delete functions")
    7. Share the above created dashboard link to your project manager where he can see the status of executions

    8. If you don't want dashboard >> you can run advance search query in >> search test executions page to see the individual results of the TestCase

    Adding screenshot for your reference


