Using Curl to add test results including info for the TestCycle
I want to add Test Results from Robot Framework to Zephyr Scale using the Rest API.
I implemented a smaller Framework in Java, but fail so far to use the endpoint "/executions"junit".
Java Example to upload test results via ZAPI - SmartBear Community
As a workaround I'm using Curl. What is working as expected. But I need to update the fresh created TestCycle because I have no solution on passing information for the TestCycle by this call. I guess it is possible to add a JSON String containing this information as described in the docs, but how to include this in the curl call?
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -F "file=@TestSuites.xml;type=application/xml""JQA"&autoCreateTestCases=true
Does somebody has a proposal?
Thanks in advance.
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