Forum Discussion

Randhir's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

wsd12h parser generate .h file from wsdl file which contain class without member variable


wsd12h parser generate .h file from wsdl file which contain class without member variable

class _ns2__TaxesType_Jurisdiction
/// INHERITED FROM ns2__JurisdictionType:
// END OF INHERITED FROM ns2__JurisdictionType
} *Jurisdiction


Can you please assist..


    • Randhir's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Tanya,

      In my soap response, i could see "<Jurisdiction jurisdictionLevel="STATE" jurisdictionId="24354">NEW YORK</Jurisdiction>" 

      soap response:
      <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <VertexEnvelope xmlns="urn:vertexinc:o-series:tps:8:0" xmlns:xsi="">
      <InvoiceResponse documentDate="2019-02-06" transactionType="SALE">
      <Destination taxAreaId="330612010"/>
      <LineItem lineItemNumber="1">
      <Taxes taxResult="TAXABLE" taxType="SALES" situs="DESTINATION" taxCollectedFromParty="BUYER" taxStructure="SINGLE_RATE">
      <Jurisdiction jurisdictionLevel="STATE" jurisdictionId="24354">NEW YORK</Jurisdiction>
      but in output header file (.h file) which is generated by wsdl2h , i see class with out member variable 
      class _ns2__TaxesType_Jurisdiction
      /// INHERITED FROM ns2__JurisdictionType:
      // END OF INHERITED FROM ns2__JurisdictionType
      } *Jurisdiction 0; ///< Optional element.

      The problem here is i am unable to access Jurisdiction jurisdictionLevel from c++

      Please help







      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        I'm not entirely clear, like TanyaYatskovska mentioned, how this is related to TestComplete.  Are you running a SOAPUI test via TestComplete?  Are you using the Web Services feature of TestComplete?  What have you attempted to implement in TestComplete?  Could you provide screenshots of what you've tried, what your set up is, etc?


        I mean, I'm SURE there are folks around here that can help you consume the wsdl and process it... but generally, this forum is for support and discussion around the TestComplete tool so any information on how you have attempted to use TC for this problem would probably be helpful in giving us what we need to help you.