11 years agoContributor
Writing to Excel two colored words.
I would like to know is it possible to write to cell two colored word ?
ex. WO (red) RD (black)
- Hi Paul,
Now we have an Excel file with an above macro which will format letter in row number 10 and cloumn number 4.
We will create following scripts in Testcomplete using VB scripts.
Which will write letter "WORD" into the file and run the text format macro.
Sub Test1()
Call Insert_Val("C:\Dev_Chaminda\Book1.xls", "Sheet6", 4, 10, "WORD")
Call Open_Excel_File("C:\Dev_Chaminda\Book1.xls", oExcel, oBook)
macro_name1 = "Macro1"
oExcel.Run(oBook.Name & "!" + macro_name1)
oBook.Close True
End Sub
Function Insert_Val(file, sheet, x, y, textval)
Set b = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
b.DisplayAlerts = False
Set c = b.Workbooks.Open(file)
c.Worksheets(sheet).Cells(y, x).Value = textval
c.Close True
End Function
Function Open_Excel_File(App, oExcel, oBook)
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(App)
End Function