Forum Discussion

JackSparrow's avatar
Frequent Contributor
9 years ago

Which framework is better for automating a Desktop Application with python

Application Type : Delphi Desktop Application

Recommended : Test Data Extracting only from Database & there's huge amount of data need to be tested.

Scripting Language : Python


Can you please suggest me which type of framework i can use ,am actually thinking to choose either modular framework or Data Driven Framework , & thinking to use even page object model type since i have so many menus to be automated.




  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Honestly, there's not necessarily enough information in what you've described to give you a particular framework to use. Are you testing data entry into forms? Are you testing an application that reads and responds to data input? What exactly are you testing?

    Just off the top of my head... I would suggest, if you're doing data entry testing or something similar, construct your namemapping in a POM structure for the different forms but then use a Data-Driven test framework to iterate through your data scenarios to do the testing itself.

    • JackSparrow's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Am sorry if my question was not clear .


      Yes am testing an desktop application that reads and responds to data input.

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        OK, then... I would use a POM of some sort to do the actual testing of the responses on of each form... Again, you can leverage NameMapping to make it easier to construct your POM.  

        Then I would create a data-table or set of tables of some sort to contain your data that you'll be using for your tests, organized in a way that each row of a table equals a test case, perhaps even with the expected results as an additional column in the table.

        Then I'd construct a data-driven framework to iterate through your table of data, running each test case, checking the expected results against the actual results.


        There might be some more complexities... such as that there may be different record types in your data table dependant upon the particular form... or different tables, one for each record type.  That's why I like the concept of a Table-Driven framework which iterates through your test cases contained in one table and then having a reference table (or tables), that then contain the specifics for each test case.  YMMV as to how that all looks but that would be the direction I go.