Forum Discussion

dhundley's avatar
Regular Contributor
2 years ago

what could cause the exact same field on a table to not equal itself?

my application has a table with rows and columns. i can access the values in the individual cells by referencing the wValue(r,c) property where r and c are the zero indexed row and column location in the table). i want to compare the value in the same column of one row with that in another row and, even though they were visibly equal on the screen it kept comparing as not equal in the if statement in my javascript function. i finally tried just comparing one cell with itself and even that compares as not equal. how can that happen? as you can see in the code i'm using strict equality but i have also tried the loose equality operator as well:


if (Aliases.NuPoint.frmCustomerAndAccounts.MdiClient.Container.utabMain.UltraTabPageControl.CSIInquiryBase_v2.pnlDetails.UltraTabControl1.UltraTabPageControl6.CtlTDAPostedActivity1.ugrdTPostedActivity.wValue(0,0) ===
Log.Message("not equal");