Forum Discussion

mooitc's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Web Testing (Webdriver update)



Our customers need to keep their IT system up to date, so the web browsers are also constantly updated. I need to change my web tests to image-based action control. Why are the latest web browser updates not supported?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    See Supported Web Browsers and Technologies


    I guess by the time TC is updated to support the latest version of that browser, that browser has already released several versions! It could be a small team working on TC, and may not have the capacity to keep up with the releases.



    • mooitc's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks for the link, I always put that as a requirement for installation. But it is ignored because system updates have a higher priority than anything else. If the development team is indeed small, then releasing new features has to give way to IT security.


      In March, I was unable to license TC online despite internet access. This was because the application control blocked the TC software licensing connection because the TC licensing was identified as Google Chrome version 85. Unfortunately, this browser version was not allowed.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I'm using Chrome v112.0.5615.121, which TC doesn't support. Luckily my automation works, but then the next release of Chrome, it may stop working. I also can't revert back to a previous version of Chrome, due to IT security as well.


    The same applies to my automation work, I can't keep up with the changes that occur in our web application. Certain sections of the automation are put on hold, until I can get round to fixing it.


    • mooitc's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      The internal TC online licensing uses this old Chrome library, not me.

      "... This was because the application control blocked the TC software licensing connection because the TC licensing was identified as Google Chrome version 85. ..."


      For web testing, I unfortunately have to use Edge most of the time. ğŸ¤•