web service parameter value changed
I am using TestComplete to access a very simple internal web service that feeds data to a SQL database. When I do this in TestComplete, the string RecordData is stored in the database with the delimiter (¶) is converted to "??" . The very same data passed to the same web service in SoapUI stores the RecordData delimiters correctly in the database. Perhaps there is a setting in TestComplete that I am missing. The "Units encoding" setting of the project has no effect.
var RecID;
Project.Variables.RecordType = "StopUpdate";
Project.Variables.RecordData = "tripID=0¶RunID=100¶StopID=48000501";
RecID = WebServices.DispatchInterface.SendToMDT2(Project.Variables.RecordType, Project.Variables.RecordData);
Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions on how to address this.
I've done little to troubleshoot this matter, but ran across the jscript implementation of webservice calls and that's the workaround I've pursued. For anyone else interested, here is the function (indentation notwithstanding) as it is working for me:
function CallWS(wsURL, wsRequest, wsMethod)
var xmlResponse;
var xmlResult;
var XmlHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
XmlHttpRequest.open("POST", wsURL, false);
XmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
XmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "http://tempuri.org/" + wsMethod);
XmlHttpRequest.send(wsRequest);xmlResponse = XmlHttpRequest.responseXML;
xmlResult = xmlResponse.text;
if (xmlResult == "")
xmlResult = xmlResponse.xml;
return xmlResult;