We Application Error -HTTP Status 404 Not Found - Not able to catch this error
We do have error appear for our web applications due to - database down, server down, image get broken. We verify the error in browser title. Recently we saw anoher error - HTTP Status 404 - Not Found, But we are not able to catch this one.
We are using the following code
var error_http_status_404 = "HTTP Status 404 - Not Found";
var comparehttp_status_404 = aqString.Compare(error_http_status_404, actualBrowsertitle, false);
Log.Message("http status 404 error" +comparehttp_status_404);
if(comparehttp_status_404 == 0){
app_error_appear = 1;
It do not work for this above error , We do have other error appear like server not found in browser title , we are applying the same logic as above and it works.
Attching the MHT Report that shows HTTP Status 404 Not Found . Let me know what we are mising ?