Wait timeout and waitproperty not working as expected
I need some help figuring out what I’m doing wrong with setting the timeout values in testcomplete. First, the only reason I’m creating the type of function below is that the WaitProperty does not do...
I'm going to pass in the following values into the method, CheckForExists(page, 3),
function main()
// URL https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select
var page = Sys.Browser().Page("https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select").FindElement("#iframeResult");
CheckForExists(page, 3);
function CheckForExists(objElement, intSecondsToDelay)
let intTimeOut = Options.Run.Timeout;
Log.Message("Check for exists " + Options.Run.Timeout);
Options.Run.Timeout = 1000;
let intSecondsWaited = 0;
Log.Message("starting do loop");
intSecondsWaited ++;
// Find SubmitX button, which does not exist
if (objElement.FindElement("//input[@value='SubmitX']").Exists)
Log.Message("object exists");
Log.Message("object does not exist");
while (intSecondsWaited < intSecondsToDelay);
and Options.Run.Timeout = 1000, which sets the following project value,
When I run the code, it's waited 1000ms for the object to become available, as shown in Error. Since we set parameter intSecondsToDelay = 3, we can say it waited for 3 seconds (I'll get back to this point)
Now, if I pass CheckForExists(page, 2) and Options.Run.Timeout = 30000. When I run the code, it's waited 30000ms for the object to become available, as shown in Error lines. Since we set parameter intSecondsToDelay = 2, we can say it waited for 2 seconds. However, we can clearly see that it hasn't waited for 2 seconds, it's done 2 iterations of the loop, waiting 30 seconds each. Therefore, the total time it took was about 1 minute to complete.
In your example, it seems like Options.Run.Timeout is not settings the value correctly; performing 15 iterations and waiting 30 seconds each time.