Forum Discussion

kktsenthil's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Validate the user input values in the Database

Dear Friends,

Scenario is, I have saved records successfully and i want to validate the values are stored in the DB.

Like saving a records and verify in the DB.

User Name: Senthil

Place: Coimbatore

after hits save  button

and need to verify whether those values are stored in DB


Help me...

if you have code sample please share to kktsenthil@gmail.



2 Replies

  • Lage's avatar

    Hi again,


    I think that the best way and more reusable to do this is using the IAQAADOQuery. You can find more details here: ADO.CreateADOQuery. Example


    This code works for me but there are some considerations:


    - This have been designed expecting a query that return only one row and one column. If the query returns more than one row or column will write a warning in your test log.


    - myQuery should be something like: "select Name from Users where email = ''"


    - If you prefer you can store the connectionString ina a Project.Variables..., or maybe the query can be inside the function and pass only the select and the parameters.. up to you



    Function perform_Query (myQuery)
      ' Create a query
      Set Qry = ADO.CreateADOQuery
      ' Specify the connection string
      Qry.ConnectionString = "you can obtain this connection String from my last message in this same post"
      ' Specify the SQL expression
      Qry.SQL = myQuery
      ' Execute the query
      ' Process results and insert data into the test log
      While Not Qry.EOF 
        Log.Message aqConvert.VarToStr(Qry.Field(0).FieldName) + ": " + aqConvert.VarToStr(Qry.Field(0).Value)  
        if myQueryResult = "" then
    myQueryResult = aqConvert.VarToStr(Qry.Field(0).Value)
    end if Qry.Next i=i+1 Wend if(Qry.FieldCount > 1) then Log.Warning("Query with more than one Column") end if if(i > 1) then Log.Warning("Query with more than one result") end if ' Closes the query Qry.Close

      perform_Query = myQueryResult
    End Function




    For Call this function there are many ways, something like that should work As Code:


    Runner.CallMethod("MyScriptName.perform_Query("select pepe from user where email = ''")")



    kind regards
