Forum Discussion

testbogus's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Using Last Operation Result

I would like to move the data values ​​in the table to Excel. I would like to implement it only with the function of test complete operations without writing a programming language, but I would like to receive a return value and put a data value in Excel with Last Operation Result. I have tried various attempts, but each time I try, it fails.
Is there another way to use it?

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    What exactly have you tried and what exactly did not work?


    • testbogus's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I received the result in the picture method with on script action, and when I received the Last opertation result with the excel add row function and excel write function, it failed and I tried to bring the content text to the table.
      Since testcomplete stores the table value in stores, I also tried converting this to excel but it didn't work.