7 years agoCommunity Hero
Use .Find to get all elements that do NOT match the search properties
Hi all,
I'm trying to find a way to make my code less loopy and possibly improve the performance. I'm trying to take a list of items, get rid of the items that I'm not interested in, and keep ...
- 7 years ago
The below may appear to be not relevant for your real case because I don't know how color is determined, but as an idea you may consider using regular expressions for search parameters.
Sample pseudocode:
var objects = root.FindAllChildren(['Type', 'Color'], ['regexp: (vegetable)|(fruit)', 'regexp:^(red)'], depth);
- 7 years ago
That is SOO exactly what I was looking for, thanks ! :smileyvery-happy:
Syntax correction:
It's 'regexp:[^(red)]' - it was just missing the [] around the ^(red)