Forum Discussion

hc_vinod's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

unable to select an element in listview box

Hi , 


i am unable to select an element in List View Item, Even playing back the recorded script fails  with an error "List View Item "Default Settings" not found"

However if i restart the testcomplete , my code works fine






Let me known , how to solve the issues

11 Replies

  • What type of application?

    What is it written in?

    What type of List? (There are many!)

    Classname of the List?

    What method are you using to apply the selection?

    Scripted or Keyword test?

    What language if scripting?

    What browser if web? (And what version of the browser)

    And what version of TestComplete.


    More information required! You have provided us with little more than "It doesn't work".

    • hc_vinod's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      What type of application?  Windows application developed using C++

      What is it written in?   Vb script  

      What type of List? (There are many!) Syslistview 322

      Classname of the List?

      What method are you using to apply the selection?

      Scripted or Keyword test?  Script

      What language if scripting? VB

      What browser if web? (And what version of the browser) N/A

      And what version of TestComplete.10.60.3387.7


      Below is the Code, whcih i got when recorded (i am clicking on "DefaultSettings")

      Sub Test5
       Call  Aliases.d950system.wndD950Class.MDIClient.wndAfx.page32770.page32770.pageSnapshots.SysListView322.DblClickItem("defaultSettings", 0)

      End Sub




      • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hi hc_vinod,


        Thanks for replying to the questions. Did I get it right that the code is executing successfully right after you start TestComplete?

  • Hi,


    To select a list item, we can also do object.clickitem("item").

